Happy Holidays from The Heritage Lake POA Office
December 20 - January 1: POA Office Closed
January 9, 2024: Blood Drive from 2p – 7p at the Clubhouse Lower Level. Register at www.redcross.org.
February 10th: Annual Chili Cook-off sponsored by Neighborhood watch. Do you make the best chili around? If so, please call or stop by the POA office to registar your chili. If you prefer to taste test and judge - Mark your calendars now so you dont miss out!
Dates for 2024 Events are being added to "Events" on the Home Page as they are reported to the POA office. Don't forget to check this often to Start planning your 2024 fun.

Letters to Santa
Santa's Mailbox is back from the North Pole!
Kids, write your letters to Santa, place them in an envelope addressed to:
Santa Claus
123 Elf Road
North Pole, 88888
Bring your letters to Santa's Mailbox located outside of the POA office by
December 15, 2023 to arrive in time for Christmas.
Don't forget your Name and Address on your Envelope.

The leaf disposal is now closed. Call the POA office if you need to schedule drop off.
If you are a committee and want to promote an event or information, please email Jolene at Jolene_hlpoa@iendeavor.com or stop by the office.
(765) 386-7447