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Heritage Lake Blog

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Weekly News You Can Use


Be in the Know!

This Week:

September 16th: Screen Print Shirt Party. Bring your shirt and Pick your Print. $5 each print. Clubhouse Lower level 11a-2p.

September 16th: Fall Clean Sweep; Located in front of the HLPOA Maintenance Building. Time: 8a – 2p.

September 23rd: Fall Wine Fest sponsored by HLNAC. 7p-9p by Reservation only.

October 7, 2023: Just R Time Construction 1st annual car show 10:30a-3p. Enter the morning of at 10am, $20.00 entry fee. Food, Raffles, Awards, DJ, & and fun for all. Located at the clubhouse parking lot. Please see the website events tab for details.

October 7, 2030: Concert Series presents Oktoberfest at the Hawkeye Storage Event Center. Food, dancing and fun for the entire family 3p-5p. The Crashers will cap off the evening with a 5p-7p performance. Please see the website events tab for details or check out the concert series on Facebook and Instagram.

October 15th: Marina closes

October 31: Heritage Lake Trick-or-Treating 6p-8p.

Check out Heritage Lake POA on our New Facebook page: Heritage Lake, Indiana POA.

The Facebook page is to serve as an added way to get information out to the community. *All office communications should still be done by phone and not through Facebook messenger. *

Medical Equipment – HLPOA has various medical equipment you can check out in the Clubhouse Office such as walkers, shower chairs, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, and so on. These items are for the use of the Heritage Lake community.

Marina – The Marina’s new hours are 9am – 6pm.

The next A&E Meeting is September 21, 2023. You can view the building permits prior to the meeting under the building permit tab on the website. These are usually updated the day prior to the meeting. Need a building Permit? The POA office is here to help, but make sure those permits are tuned in by Thursday a week before the A&E meeting. Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Firewood for Sale: Call the POA office at 765-386-7447 to schedule your pick-up or delivery. $50.00 per rick for pick-ups or $60.00 per rick to be delivered.

Large Yellow Trash bags are available at the Marina and POA Office. $13.00 cash or check.

Sign up for a Holiday Bizarre Booth Space in the POA office. Space is limited. Booth spaces are $30.00 cash or check, payable at the POA office.

Sign up at the bottom of homepage for alerts when the website is updated with information.

If you are a committee and want to promote an event or information, please email Jolene at or stop by the office.


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